Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

How To Make Money From Blog

How to make money From a Blog -in fact there are many ways of making money from a blog, but I will discuss are some proven way and often used in Indonesia blogger making money with a blog.

Here's how to make money from the Blog:

1. the first way of selling products online, of course it takes a media blog. or is usualy called Online store.

2. the second is to review a product from your clients and of course the results of the review you will get a reward, reward magnitude is usually relative, subject to mutual agreement. However, generally this applies to blog blog design that already have prestige in the world of the internet.

3. the Third Way is to place an ad, the most famous service is Google Adsense, make a dollar. In addition it can also advertise ads from local services, owned by native Indonesians. one of them is, the average perkliknya rate above Rp. 1000.

4. the fourth Option is to create a blog, Affiliate to market other people's products, in case of transactions from the blog later will get a Commission, the amount of the Commission depends on the manufacturer of the affiliate program. one of the most famous Affiliate Service is Amazon.

5. the latter is renting space to advertising, on-board diblog price various kinds, depending on the number of visitors to the blog. If blogs still quiet, do not please anybody want to put ads on your blog.

Maybe there are many more ways to make money from Blog, but these 5 ways above is the most commonly used blogger bloggers in indonesia. Most bloggers choose 3rd way, namely by way of putting up ads from the advertiser.

But for you who have just been born into this field, I suggest to not first think of making money from their Blog, in terms of the new blog contains 10 articles alone is dare dare advertise, sure there's visitors? then what anyone would ngeklik downline advertising?

We recommend that you multiply once wrote about the field you know, can be anything the origin does not violate the law, and does not smell of gambling, porn and give rise to SARA. Make the content as King, that visitors enjoy lingering membaca-baca the articles in your blog. And if the article you create is useful for others, do not close the possibility that visitors will like the writings on your blog and will be back to visit your blog at a later time.

I pray much for just the articles about How to make money From Blog, hopefully this short article could be enlightening for those of you who really lay about the blogging world. Keep Blogging!

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