Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Cara Dan Proses Pengajuan Kredit Sepeda Motor

The purchase of the motor in the credit was already known from the first, but not everyone knows how to Do the filing Process And Motorcycle Credit. For those of you who are already familiar with the world of perkedritan motor, maybe this way are familiar to you.

But for those who have never filed a Submission Credit will normally be confusion as to what to do first to get the motor in the credits.

Prepare the data yourself

To apply for credit in your submission require to have ID CARDS, KK and that there is an absolute must if you want to credit the motorcycle. Your ID CARD and ID CARD your guarantor, the guarantor is a person here who is still one family with you acknowledge and agree you are in filings credit.
Anyone who can be a guarantor?
  • If you are a husband and wife team became guarantors of your spouse is your husband or wife,
  • For those of you who still singgle became guarantor you are your parents, the father or mother
KK/family card here should also include as evidence in you and your guarantor is one family.

There's never been a single case of newlyweds who wish to apply the credit but do not have HH. By not adnya KK may substitute with the MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE that Shah of KUA.

Electricity account, the UN, the affidavits RT

Indeed not all motorcycle financing requires disertakanya account of electricity etc., not all should be there, if there are already other electric account does not need to be included, but if you don't have an account at electric can substitute with the United Nations. If you still do not have electricity account and the United Nations can you substitute with affidavits from RT you are stating that you are true citizens of RT.

Select motor in your favorite dealer

If your requirement is complete, immediately visit or contact marketing official dealer who you mean, ask price etc. at marketingnya. If the deal is already marketing will soon be requesting your credit requirements.

CMO comes to you

After submit the PK you on marketing motor, next you will in your home home suggest first to await the arrival of the CMO (Credit Marketing Officer) or often called surveyor of motorcycle financing Office. This Surveyor is a person who in the assign to mengececk the feasibility of the pengaju credit, of course you will be asked about your job, income etc. Please do not feel offended by the question from a surveyor in cast on you, because it does its job. For what is appropriate for your situation.

After asking questions usually mild surveyor issued a map and asking you to sign it. Read the first file that you are about to sign, if there is less clear from the dossier on ask directly at surveyornya.

Wait for Word from dealer marketing

If all is signed, surveyors will be directly reporting the results of surveannya to his Office, and waiting for the ACC's from his Office. It doesn't take a long time, between 1-3 hours you will give back from the dealer marketing if your submission is in the ACC. Prepare a cash advance that is already agreed on, pay to the dealer and you can take home your motor.

Easy isn't it..?
For those of you who want credit motorcycle, can directly contact Jepara Marketing for residing in the territory of jepara and surrounding areas.

View the original article here

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